Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Angry Bird Birthday Party!

I feel really OLD! My oldest son just turned the big double digit 10 this month! I seriously don't know where the time went or what happened to my baby! We decided to just have something small at our new home (those pictures will come later). Our house hold goods arrived on Friday before the party so I busted my butt to try to at least get our downstairs situated for all to see.

My son wanted to have an Angry Birds party theme. If you have never played it that may be a good thing as it's a bit addicting. I found a great 'cake lady' to make my special boy a one of a kind Angry Bird's cake. He thought it was so awesome and I did too!

We had an "egg hunt" outside. If you know the game, you know the piggies steal the birds eggs (which is why they are "angry".) Everyone had fun doing that. Sorry I don't have any photos of the egg hunt and I was guiding kids around the yard. 

We also played "Angry Birds" outside! I took some old cardboard boxes we had lying around and wrapped them in craft paper from the dollar tree.  Then I just took a sharpie marker to draw wood lines on them. 

I need the piggies to be much bigger for outdoors, so we blew up green balloons 
and drew the pig faces on them. 

Totally loved it! And I cannot wait for the weather to make up its mind and bring SPRING weather here again! Then we can do it outside again!